Oct 26, 2014

Building Concepts I course CMCC- Floor Systems and More Flooring Systems Week 5

These photos are of the flooring system we built over the hill where all of our other projects have taken place for the first half of the semester. That day we were assigned to finish installing the joists and complete it as the weather was turning bad and Monday was our only day! We did finish and got the sub-flooring over the structure. 

Wednesday brought more squaring exercises with not-square 4'  x 8' sheets as part of our bi-weekly competency testing. 

In the next series of photos we are beginning the constructing of a building that we will hopefully be finishing at the end of the fall semester. Its an 8' x 12' flooring system that is to be hauled off by a special truck designed to carry away buildings of a movable size. 

I am nailing the rim joist to the joist members with 16d Galvanized Box nails.

In these photos you can see the floor system has gotten more complicated looking. The braces that are staggered 4 spaces between the joists are blocks for the skid to fasten too. A Skid is a rail or a skii if you will that will allow a truck to pull it onto its bed and transport it. The skid is going to be a         4" x 4" piece of pressure treated lumber. 

The diagonal braces in the photo up and down are for holding a rectangle or square structure "square." Equal lengths, widths and diagonals. While moving it or flipping it.   

Its a little bit hard to make out but This is a blue print or draft of the floor systems we were instructed to draw. Before anything is built it needs to be imagined fully so that nothing is missed or over looked. In my Building Concepts course and Construction Doc. and Print Reading course and expression I have heard many time is, "build it in your head before you really build it." 

Porch and Steps Replacement

 Here is the sketched plan I emailed her to be sure she and I were on the same page for what the outcome was to be. 

This is the deck on the side of the home that had more thought put into its design. This was my template for the construction of the new front deck and stairs. I aimed to make the steps I built to look complimentary to these.

Mortise and Tenon 

Here you can see I chose to mortise and tenon the top and bottom rails on both the deck railings, using a router.

I pre-fabricated the deck and stairs in my garage before I installed it. By building it this way I was allowed more time to construct it and make changes/adjustments as needed. Doing some of these things at a clients house may take more time as you might not carry that tool or have that vice. Also doing this made it a breeze to install, It broke down into 6 movable pieces. 

Here I am pluming in the door to the posts in the ground that will be evenly spaced to hold the deck.

Doesn't get any better then that! 

Picking up nails! 

The finishing touch! 
If when your done putting all of this nice wood together and the client gets a nice big splinter because of those well built wood railings then she will be painfully reminded of the first time she went up them if they aren't soft to the touch.