This was the home long before my parents bought it, it was the type of home in a town that was a staple in the community for its scale and dimension. In the article below you will see that when a bad storm hit one day in May of 1962, the wrap around porch was destroyed. The porch that exists to this day is the one that i restored, and i hoped to one day rebuild the wrap-around on it but sadly my father passed away before those plans where ever put in to motion.

The picture below is one that was taken before the home was renovated from being a two-apartment complex and turned back into a single home, so the two windows above the veranda are now one small window and that is it exterior changes to present day.
This last photo here is of the house when the pool was first functional before it was let go, in relation to the other renovation photos i have shared.
The picture below is one that was taken before the home was renovated from being a two-apartment complex and turned back into a single home, so the two windows above the veranda are now one small window and that is it exterior changes to present day.