With our last week of school for the fall semester, we managed to erect all of our bent walls. A
bent wall is any timber frame wall or wall sections that are made up of vertical posts and horizontal beams with diagonal braces supporting the beams and transferring load to the posts. In the photo to the right is our example of a brace holding up a beam. There we laid out our bent wall and then pulled it tightly together using clamps. Then we mark where our corner braces we going to land. Clamping everything down insures that both mortise and tenon join properly during assembly.

Here is the mortise that has been cut!

Here is the mortise that has not been cut on the beam, so now its clear exactly where the mortise needs to be in order to fit securely.

Here is that same wall we layed out before assembled and upright. The joinery went very well using the technique we were shown.
That is going to be all until the spring semester begins were we will pick where we left off and complete the roof system and finish the project!
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