This week we started the very beginning stages of our timber frame sheds. We will be constructing and 8' wide by 12' long post and beam shed building out of 6" x 6" timbers, as well as 4" x 4" and some 2" x 6" pieces also. In these series of photos what I am in the process of constructing is a knee brace like the ones we will be constructing for each corner post that will join to their connecting girders. We begin with practice pieces so we can understand the very delicate measurements necessary for an "effective" timber frame. If areas on the frame, like knee braces for example, are not exact and secure then the effect and strength of that area on the timber frame is somewhat lost. Patience and precision with a sharp chisel is what will give this project a good result.
Here you can see four holes we pre-drilled to help keep inside our soon to be mortise which is outlined in lead on the timber.
Now I am chiseling out the 45 degree angle into the timber needed for the 45 degree tenon we cut on the knee brace.
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